Wild boar cocaine

Wild boar snuffling in the forests of eastern Tuscany, Italy have dug up and destroyed a €20,000 stash of cocaine buried by drug dealers, police said.

The area is located in the Montepulciano woodlands which are nestled in the Tuscan hills. Ironically Montepulciano is renowned across the globe for its pork.

Wild boar, or cinghiale, are found in ever-increasing numbers in the Italian countryside, much to the dismay of the country’s farmers, motorists, and now drug dealers.

Wild boar cocaine

The animals unearthed and broke into a sealed package of cocaine hidden in the Tuscan forest, before scattering the contents through woodland, local media reported.

The unconventional drugs bust was discovered when police wiretapped suspected drug traffickers – an Italian and three Albanians – and heard them complain about the damage to their woodland stash.

The drug reportedly came from the nearby city of Perugia before being hidden and peddled around the eastern Tuscan city of Arezzo and further afield.

The gang had reportedly sold two kilos of cocaine in a month before being busted.

Wild boar cocaine

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