Yatsuataridokoro: Destruction Therapy (Japanese Plate Smashing)!

Yatsuataridokoro is “a place where you can vent your anger for no reason.” 

Most cowards typically do this anonymously online in a virtual world on their computer. They create a screen-name and say pointlessly nasty things online for no reason other than to vent their directionless anger. 

You don’t have to be a coward anymore. You can destroy things for real by smashing plates and vases!

Yatsuataridokoro: Destruction Therapy (Japanese Plate Smashing)!

Katsuya Hara, a “certified hypnotherapist” in Tama, Tokyo, Japan, has created Yatsuataridokoro, also called “Destruction Therapy.”

This consists of a small truck or traveling booth, which makes regular stops at events, festivals, parking lots, etc, all over Japan. 

You pay a small pay and they let you smash plates, vases, anything breakable, to help relieve your stress and anxiety. 

Sounds fun. Just do it. 

Yatsuataridokoro: Destruction Therapy (Japanese Plate Smashing)!
Yatsuataridokoro: Destruction Therapy (Japanese Plate Smashing)!

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