Founded 2017, 19 nations compete in the World Axe Throwing League (WATL) annual World Championship.
WATL is the world’s largest pro axe throwing association.
The sport of urban axe-throwing has caught on in recent years among primarily bearded hipster millennials. You stand in a stall and throw an axe at a target. No, you do not need to have a beard to throw an axe. Everyone should try it. At least once. C’mon, just do it.
Hey, Psychopathic Records, Jobbie Crew thinks the Juggalos should start an ICP-themed Hatchet throwing bar in Detroit.
If you live in the Detroit area, throw some axes at Detroit Axes The Yard in Detroit’s Corktown neighborhood.
Wherever you live, catch the WATL World Championship action on ESPN.
What: World Axe Throwing League annual World Championship
When: December 1-4, 2022
Where: Appleton, Wisconsin
WATL World Championship