Naked House cleaning

hats off to our European buddies where a woman has created her own naked cleaning company, and she already employs 15 people – including three men – who charge between £55 to £75 an hour depending on the level of nudity. Victoria, 25, started the company after testing the waters herself by cleaning homes in the buff in Edinburgh, where she lives. ‘I didn’t want to put my staff into any situation I had not experienced myself,’ said Victoria, who lives with her pet Daschund, Louis. With a degree in events management and a strong work ethic, the entrepreneur was keen to start a business with a quirky selling point and began considering the adult service sector. When working as a beautician, she toyed with the idea of starting a webcam work business – though she wouldn’t be getting in front of the camera herself – but then stumbled across an American company offering a naked cleaning service and the idea for Glimmer was born. ‘I knew I wanted something in that adult niche which would be fun and risqué but not extreme,’ she said. ‘We are not an escort service. What we offer is fun and flirty. ‘When I did it for a while, I had a laugh and nothing untoward happened.’


Naked House cleaning
Naked House cleaning

Glimmer offers three tiers of adult cleaning with hourly prices – a service in lingerie or underwear costs £55, topless cleaning is £65 and completely naked cleaning costs £75. Victoria said: ‘None of my staff ever have to do anything they don’t feel comfortable with. ‘The client will choose the option they prefer and I will match the cleaner to that choice.’ The naked dress code has certainly done nothing to deter prospective employees, with Victoria receiving over 100 applications last time she advertised for staff. ‘The most important thing is that someone has professional cleaning experience,’ she said. ‘Then they need to have a good personality, because engaging with the client, chatting to them and feeling comfortable being naked is all part of what makes someone right for this role.’ But Victoria admits that their 20 regular clients and 15 who book an occasional clean, have completely shattered her preconceptions about the type of person she imagined would use the service.

She said: ‘I thought we’d get mostly professional working men in their forties but actually, the clients are much more diverse. ‘We’ve had some as young as 30 and others in their 80s. Many of them live alone and a lot of the older gentleman are quite lonely, so it’s important the experience is fun and that the cleaners like chatting. ‘We have male cleaners available, but women asking for men isn’t something that comes up a lot. We’re definitely trying to work on that side of things and build it up. ‘When I’m recruiting, I’m not worried about what people look like – as everyone has a different idea of what’s attractive – but they do need to be presentable and body confident.’ Despite its saucy theme, Victoria said her friends and family have been very supportive about her business. ‘They understand this is my baby’, she said. ‘I do spend a lot of time explaining to people that this is a serious cleaning business, too. We clean to a very high standard. ‘Most people ask what the client does while the cleaner is working. They imagine they just sit there while the cleaner puts on a show, but that’s not what we do. ‘A lot of clients have never done anything like this before and are often quite shy. ‘So the cleaner will chat and engage with them, but, most importantly, they’ll get on with the job of cleaning the house.’



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