WICHITA FALLS, Texas -Police in northern Texas in the city of Wichita Falls received a rather unique call Friday morning involving a woman drinking wine in a Walmart parking lot.
Employees requested officers to ban a woman from the local Walmart store after she reportedly had been drinking wine from a Pringles can for several hours while riding on an electric cart.
The incident began shortly after 9 a.m. Friday when officers responded to a call to check on a suspicious person in the parking lot of Walmart, 2700 Central East Fwy.
Officer Jeff Hughes, a WFPD spokesperson, said police were told by dispatchers that they were looking for a woman wearing a blue jacket and black pants.
The woman was reportedly riding on an electric shopping cart more commonly used for people with physical limitations. Officers were also told she was drinking wine from a Pringle’s can.
Hughes said the reporting party said the suspect had been riding around in the store’s parking lot since 6:30 a.m. while drinking the alcoholic beverage.
When officers arrived, they found the woman in a nearby restaurant, at which point she was notified that she had been barred from the Walmart location.