‘Weaponized Dolphin Vaginas‘ would be a cool name for a rock band!
But yes, dolphins are brilliant and complex creatures. Especially complex is the female’s vaginal structure.

Recently, scientists at Dalhousie University in Halixfax, Nova Scotia, studied dolphin vaginas. They inflated dead dolphins penises with saline solution to see how the organs fit into the vaginas.
Turns out dolphin vaginas are shaped like a narrow spiral. They have a complex vaginal structure with extensive folds, which the female has to choose to open.

Thus, the vagina is a weapon of sorts against the dolphins fibroelastic penis, which is extra-stiff due to a high density of collagen.
Dolphin’s favorite sex position (according to scientific research):
Male on top with his penis hooked underneath the female.
Weaponized Dolphin Vaginas