Vibes With The Tribes Music & Culture Festival | Waawiiyatanong | Sw Detroit

Vibes With The Tribes is an indigenous Anishinaabe music & cultural festival located in Waawiiyaatanong (aka Detroit).

Raymond “SouFy” Pelletier (Cape Croker Ojibwe/Sagamok Anishinaabe) and Hadassah GreenSky (Little Traverse Bay Bands Odawa/Fond Du Lac Ojibwe) are the co-founders of Vibes With The Tribes – a Native American music and cultural festival.

Anishinaabe rapper SouFy, an Ojibwe from SW Detroit, is one of the main performers.

Hadassah GreenSky is an Anishinaabe artist. She grew up in Oxford, MI and is now an “indigenous futurist designer” in Detroit and co-founder of the event.

Vibes with the Tribes (Southwest Detroit)

35+ Native/Indigenous vendors from all over Turtle Island (North America).

Artist coming from
* Calgary, Alberta
* Spirit Lake, ND
* Albuquerque, Nm
* Las Vegas, NV
* Detroit, MI
* The Bay Area, CA

* Vendors include Beadwork, quillwork, Native Owned clothing, Pow wow food, local and national artists & businesses.

* Live Art Installations

* Drum groups + Dancers

* Live Performances

Vibes with the Tribes (Southwest Detroit)

What:          Vibes with the Tribes

When:         Saturday, June 01, 2024

Where:        1211 Trumbull ave, Detroit, MI

Time:          Noon – 10:00 p.m.

Cost:           $10.00

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Vibes with the Tribes (Southwest Detroit)
Vibes with the Tribes (Southwest Detroit)
Hadassah GreenSky, co-founder of Vibes with the Tribes (Southwest Detroit)

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