Thai Penis Whitening craze is sweeping Asia!

It all started a few months ago. Now thousands are flocking to Bangkok for discount penis whitening.

A 30-year old Thai man went to Lelux Hospital (Bangkok, Thailand) and said “I want to feel more comfortable in my swim briefs.” So, they hooked him up with a discount penis whitening procedure.

Thai Penis Whitening craze is sweeping Asia!

Penis Whitening (aka: Penis Bleaching) is exactly what it sounds like: you brighten the color of your penis.

Thailand is obsessed with skin color. Thailand is also where Michael Jackson supposedly went in the 1980’s for his skin bleaching pills.

At Lelux, the penis whitening procedure costs $650 for 5 sessions.

Thai Penis Whitening craze is sweeping Asia!

Lelux also offers a “3-D Vagina Procedure” where a patients own fat is injected into the Mons Pubis for a more “plumper” vagina look.

In addition to this, they offer vaginal prolapse repair surgery, mentoplasty (chin augmentation), labiaplasty, otoplasty (ear surgery), Asian blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and dozens of other plastic surgery procedures.

Penis whitening @ Lelux Hospital (Bangkok, Thailand)

Thai Penis Whitening craze is sweeping Asia!

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