The Saltstraumen Maelstrom is the world’s strongest tidal current.

The 3km-long, 150m-wide Saltstraumen Strait churns with 400 million cubic metres of water every six hours. At its strongest, it resembles a series of giant whirlpools that threatens to suck everything down into unseen depths below the surface of the Earth.

The water can move at speeds of up to 20 knots or about 10 meters per second.

Saltstraumen Maelstrom: the largest and strongest tidal current in the world

The nearby Saltstraumen Brygge fishing camp is perfect for an ideal fishing vacation and is open all year round.

The largest documented coalfish caught by rod in Saltstraumen was 22.7 kilograms (50 lb)

Tour the Saltstraumen

coalfish @ Saltstraumen Brygge
Saltstraumen Maelstrom: the largest and strongest tidal current in the world
Saltstraumen Maelstrom: the largest and strongest tidal current in the world

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