The State of Michigan is one of the best states in the USA for boat parties!
In addition to the Great Lakes, we have over 11,000 inland lakes and we have over 1.5 million boats. Only California has slightly more boat owners than we do.
The Michigan boating community is fun, amazing, supportive and growing bigger and bigger every year.
Michigan Boat Parties
The largest concentration of boat owners in Michigan is in the city of St. Clair Shores, Michigan.
St. Clair Shores is located on Lake St. Clair, which is America’s busiest freshwater lake.
In honor of Michigan boat parties and loving boat culture in general, the Jobbie Crew has created a Facebook Group dedicated to Michigan Boat Parties!
Michigan Boat Parties
List of Michigan boat parties (a work in progress):
The big 3:
Jobbie Nooner (Gull Island, Lake St. Clair) 60,000-100,000+ people
Raft Off (Muscamoot Bay, Lake St. Clair) 60,000-100,000+ people
Bud Bash (Houghton Lake)
These ones are also great:
Parade of Lights (Clinton River, Harrison Township)
Torch Lake 4th of July (Torch Lake Sandbar)
Port Huron Float Down (river tubing; St. Clair River)
Base Line Lake party in Pinckney
Belleville Lake Sandbar (boat party during the air show)
Hot Boat Weekend Hardy Dam Pond (Muskegon River)
Browns Bar annual Halloween Party (Harsens Island; boats dock at the bar; happens on 1st Saturday in October)
Woodtick IslandFest (Downriver; border of Monroe, MI & Toledo, OH)
Boyne Thunder Poker Run (Lake Charlevoix)
4th of July fireworks on the “Fireworks Barge” at Belle Maer Marina
Hanky Pank Bayou (Spring Lake)
Pottahawk (Canada portion of Lake Erie)
Saginaw Bay Fun Run
Pirates Day @ Gull Lake Sanbar (Richmond)
Pontoon Alley on Wixom Lake
South Higgins Lake parties
Corn Roast boat party (Marble Lake in Quincy, Michigan) last Sunday in July
Day Drinkin’ No Wake Float Fest @ Pine Lake (Plainwell, MI)
annual Mardi Gras @ Gull Lake Sandbar (Richland, MI) near Kalamazoo
Saugatuck Cove Party (3rd weekend in July; Kalamazoo River, on the channel, just before Lake Michigan)
We are hoping that some new boat parties get started on different lakes. If you are thinking about starting a new boat party, email us details:
If you know of a Michigan boat party that needs to be added to this list, shoot us an email with details:
Michigan Boat Parties