Countdown to Christmas 2016 [fergcorp_cdt_single date=”Sun, 25 Dec 2016 00:00:00″]
Yes we have a freebie for you today! Safe Boating Pocket Guide Kindle Edition is now Free

In July 2015, two boys approximately 14 years of age went out of the Jupiter inlet to go fishing and were never seen again. In hopes of diminishing such occurrences, I’ve opted to offer this “Safe Boating Pocket Guide” ebook, absolutely free of charge. It’s a comprehensive safe boating course designed for today’s boaters. Carry the Ebook on your smart phone for quick and easy access and get the answers you need, anytime, anywhere, immediately, just by utilizing the specifically designed Table of Contents. Refresh your knowledge, know the rules and if in doubt, go to your phone. Written in simple to comprehend terminology for persons of all ages. If you are a boater, then this is “must read information.”