Kayakers nearly swallowed by humpback whale in California

Two women kayaking filmed the terrifying moment a humpback whale nearly swallowed them when it leapt out of the water and fell on their kayak.

Julie McSorley and her friend Liz Cottriel were whale watching in Avila Beach, California.

The pair sat in kayaks while watching the whales below the surface when they had their close call with the large mammal.

Footage taken by the duo shows the moment when they were sent flying in the air as the large whale breached the surface.

The pair managed to retrieve the kayak and ride it back to shore.

Liz said: ‘We got back to the car, I was shaking my shirt and a bunch of fish came out of my shirt.’

The only damage was Julie losing her car keys in the close call but both survived unharmed.

Liz said: ‘I was infatuated by them and in awe. But I never expected one to be right here, in my face!’

Humpback whale almost swallows kayakers near Avila Beach - California

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