Thanks to Mlive for this:

Thunderstorms producing lightning strikes over the Upper Peninsula late Saturday night turned into quite the dramatic light show for one freighter crew.

Kyle Coburn, a mate aboard the Indiana Harbor, took the stunning video as the 1,000-foot freighter was making its way across Lake Superior.

He shared it with Andrea Guerriero, owner of DRE DESIGNS – Great Lakes Marine Products, who runs a popular Facebook page for ship enthusiasts.

The big diesel-powered freighter, owned by American Steamship Company, today is headed east across Lake Superior and will be making its way downbound through the Soo Locks with a load of iron ore. From there, it will travel south down Lake Michigan until it reaches Burns Harbor in Indiana.

At the time this video was taken, the Indiana Harbor’s crew said they had slowed to about 9 knots from their typical 12 to 13 knots, so they could navigate safely through the storm, Guerriero said.

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