You will want this in the bay!
We first met Mikey and Jeremy at the Detroit Boat Show but every time we went by there was a line 5 people deep. We exchanged cards and finished the show but determined to sit down with them.
The more we talked to them the more we were impressed at what the two have created. These 2 guys from different worlds (Jeremy is in IT and Mikey owns a Diesel repair shop) have come up with an idea that will really take off……..The Float ‘n’ Grill.

We finally meet up with the guys at the Lake Pointe Yacht Club in Livonia (Which is a whole other story in itself soon to be a story!) to catch up and see where they are at in the production phase. “Right now we are going through the feasibility study with the blow mold company,” said Jeremy.
We were ecstatic to find that all the bases are going to be manufactured right in Southeast Michigan!
“We want to make the entire Float ‘n’ Grill here in Michigan” said Jeremy, It’s important to support local jobs and shops. Right now we are at about 80% Michigan made.” “Technically, you only need to be 17% US components to say “Made in the USA” but we are striving for 100%” said Mikey
“The last item we have to find is the grill. We have contacted all the big boys here in the states but nobody wants to work with the little guys. We are still looking but we will find the correct grill to keep the price where we need to be. We want to produce a high-quality grill that anyone can afford.” We got a lot of great feedback on the grill at the boat show.
The price is $230-$280. We are doing everything we can to keep the cost’s contained and affordable.
The Detroit Boat Show
“The best thing we did was have a booth at the Detroit Boat Show. Even though we did not have anything to sell yet, the feedback we got was huge” said Mikey. We had lines of people some of whom wanted to buy even the prototype! Everyone had good ideas and we loved listening to the crowd.”
“We got lot’s of idea’s and comments that we are able to incorporate into the final design,” said Mikey
Float’N’Grill is a patented, floating base with a detachable grill. You can cook the food right in the water whether you’re at the sandbar, floating down a river, or out fishing. They already have a floating cooler, and beer pong table, so why not a floating grill?
With Float’N’Grill you don’t have to worry about getting grease all over your boat, or losing your spot at the sandbar. There’s no need to stay on the boat to cook while your friends are out enjoying the water. The Float’N’Grill goes wherever you go.
One of the biggest things we hear is “Won’t it tip over with the waves?” First, it is designed to be used at the sandbar, out in the bay or floating down a river lol. We have never tried to cook with it in the middle of Lake St Clair” we have tested it with the wakes of boats going by and have never had an issue. It is designed to distribute the weight over the whole base. It has never even come close to flipping over. We even took it down to the keys and used it down there without an issue. Note to everyone out there, TSA looks down on trying to bring a 1lb propane bottle in your check in! Lesson learned said, Mikey.
Pre-orders are coming soon! Colors they are looking to carry include Yellow, Blue, Red and Green. Right now they are doing pre-pre-orders so lock in your price now!
Also coming soon is a full line of accessories including shelves, utensil holders, spice racks and just about anything else you can come up with!
We will keep you informed with what’s happening behind the scenes. You’ll also be the first to know when we start taking pre-orders.
The pre-order form is a no obligation, no credit card required form. It is used to gather basic contact info so we can let you know once the Float’N’Grill goes on sale.
LOCK IN YOUR PRE-ORDER PRICE – LIMITED QUANTITIES WILL BE AVAILABLE at first so be sure to sign up now to make sure you get one
Preorder sign up
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