Michigan has 2nd highest rate of boat ownership in USA

Here’s a quick look at the top 20 states and the total # of boats registered in each (data from 2019):

  • 1. California 1,051,606
  • 2. Michigan 1,000,337
  • 3. Florida 922,597
  • 4. Minnesota 834,974
  • 5. Wisconsin 650,280
  • 6. Texas 624,390
  • 7. New York 529,732
  • 8. Ohio 413,276
  • 9. Illinois 398,431
  • 10. South Carolina 383,971
  • 11. Pennsylvania 357,729
  • 12. North Carolina 353,625
  • 13. Louisiana 327,272
  • 14. Missouri 325,717
  • 15. Georgia 325,135
  • 16. Washington 266,717
  • 17. Alabama 264,191
  • 18. Tennessee 259,235
  • 19. Virginia 243,590
  • 20. Mississippi 199,037
Winter boating: Eastside Detroit (according to Reddit)

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