The Claw of Archimedes!

Behold…..the Claw of Archimedes!

Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek mechanical genius (287-212 BC) famous for Eureka!, the lever, the hoof, the catapult, studying Euclidian geometry in Alexandria and his enormous defensive weapon, the Claw of Archimedes.

The Claw of Archimedes!

The Claw of Archimedes (aka: the Ship Shaker) is a huge crane-like arm with a giant metal grappling hook that drops onto an attacking ship, grabs it, jostles it around, then plunges it underwater.

Archimedes built this during the Second Punic War (214 BC)  when his hometown of Syracuse, Sicily was under attack by the Romans. Archimedes Claw was able to help hold them off for 3-years.

The Claw of Archimedes!

If you own a large ship, it would be pretty badass to build a Claw of Archimedes on-board your ship, so you could go over to any of the other ships and mess with them if they need it.

Yeah, sometimes other ships need to be put in their place. We’ve all seen it at least once before. And now you can! With help from The Claw of Archimedes!

The Claw of Archimedes!

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