Michigan chinook salmon

Michigan state records are recognized by weight only.

To qualify for a state record, your fish must exceed the current listed state record weight and identification must be verified by a DNR fisheries biologist.

If you think you’ve caught a state record fish, please contact a DNR fisheries biologist as soon as possible.

All potential state record fish MUST be weighed on a commercial scale (grocery store, meat market, etc.) and record the business name where scale is located.

If possible, attach weight slip.

Michigan salmon


State Record Fish Application



To apply for a state record, fill out the State Record application form and send it to:

Fisheries Division

Michigan Department of Natural Resources

PO Box 30446

Lansing MI 48909


Michigan DNR State Record Fish
Michigan DNR State Record Fish
Michigan deep cold water lake trout
Lake Michigan king salmon
Michigan lake trout
Michigan flathead catfish

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