I think we all can admit that 2016 was a pretty crazy year. As we recap what just took place we can’t help but look back and look at the year in awe!
Thanks to you guys JobbieCrew.com exploded last year. Last year we had almost 1.1 million visitors and 3.5 million page views. It was a challenge at times for the servers to keep up with the traffic but with many a sleepless night and a few energy drinks, we seemed to have settled into a nice rhythm.
The JobbieCrew brought you almost 750 posts last year covering everything from Hot chicks to events around Metro Detroit. We thought we would do a quick recap of the most popular post’s from last year.
The big story of the month seemed to be Matty Moroun trying to build a bridge to Harsens Island

February brought us 2 big stories. Our interview with Detroit’s own Terry the Tramp and our coverage of the Detroit Boat Show keep our servers humming all month long

March brought us the Marche du Nain Rouge Parade (We will be back again this year as well)
April crashed our server! Our post about World naked gardening day went viral and took our servers down for a couple of days but what a month it was!
The countdown to Jobbie 2016 was on everyone’s mind!
June was all about Jobbie Nooner 2016 and what a day we had. The weather was hot and sunny and so was the action!
The Jobbie Crew created a public petition to Bring Kid Rock to Jobbie Nooner 2017. Yes, it’s a long shot but you never know!
August was a rough month. We lost the motor on the Pirate ship and missed the Raft Off and Parade of Lights with the Pirate Ship. We also published one of the most popular post of all time The Goodlife sex couch which is now available on Amazon
September brought us 2 Canadian hotties getting busted smuggling 30 million worth of cocaine into Australia!
October brought candy and the brand new USS Detroit to Detroit for it’s commissioning!
Full of Turkey and family we also brought this little dandy about a thief who stole an 80′ yacht and realized he could not drive it so he crashed into a dock and ran away
As we end the year we thank all of you for the great year we had. With it’s up and downs we wouldn’t trade any of them. So we end this post on this funny note and remind you if you are going to post the latest craze make sure you do not show yourself commiting any felonies!