Biggest Crane Ship in The World. #biggestcrane #craneship #sleipnir

Thanks to Marine Insight for this:

Crane Vessels are a newer class of colossal ships.

They are powerful ocean-going vessels that are mounted with massive cranes for handling heavy loads. Mainly used for construction facilities and salvaging activities at the high seas, heavy lift crane vessels can be normal crane vessels, semi-submersibles, or sheerlegs.

Here are 10 massive crane vessels that are used for different types of offshore jobs and are famous around the world for their enormous size and load-carrying capacities.

SSCV Sleipnir

1. SSCV Sleipnir

The title for the Biggest Crane Ship is currently held by SSCV Sleipnir, which has two revolving cranes each with a capacity of 10,000 tons. It is named after the legendary eight-legged horse of Odin. This crane vessel, operated by Heerema Marine Contractors, is first in its category to be powered by LNG fuel.

The vessel is fitted with eight thrusters which helps it to reach a speed of > 12 knots. In its first project in 2019, which was for the company Noble energy in the Leviathan Gas field in Israel, the crane completed a record lift of 15,300 Tons.

2. SSCV Thialf

SSCV Thailf is a heavy lift crane ship that is used for a number of offshore conduction jobs.

With a load lifting capacitance of over 14,000 tons, the deepwater construction vessel is equipped with two cranes.

3. Saipem 7000

Saipem 7000 is a semi-submersible crane vessel with a hosting capacity of 7000 tonnes.

The crane vessel is equipped with the finest ballasting technology and thrusting system. The dynamically positioned vessel also has an accommodation facility for a crew of 700 people.

4. Hyundai-10000

As the name suggests, Hyundai- 10000 crane vessel has a maximum lifting capacity of 10,000 tonnes.

The vessel was built by HHI in 2015 and currently is the largest shear-leg floating crane in the world measuring 182 meters in length, 70 meters in width and 11 meters in depth.

SSCV Sleipnir

5. Svanen

Svanen is one of the earlier crane vessels launched in 1990 by the European Storebælt Group with a total lifting capacity of 6500 tonnes. It was built to help in the completion of the 7km long west bridge of Denmark’s great belt.

In the years 1994 and 1995 major upgrades were carried out to increase the maximum lifting capacity from 6500 tons to the current 8,700 tons. The vessel sailing speed is 7 knots and it measures 102 m in length, 72 m in width and has 11 m draught.

6. Asian Hercules III

The Asian Hercules III, launched in 2015, is considered to be one of the largest and multi-purpose heavy-lift sheerlegs of its kind in the world. The dimensions of the vessel are Length – 106 metres, Width – 52 metres: with a hook height of at least 120 metres.

This is a self-propelled sheerleg crane vessel having a lifting capacity of 5000 tonnes.

7. Sheerleg Kaisho

Sheerleg Kaisho is one of the biggest crane ships operating at the sea.

With a hosting capacity of 4100 tonnes, Kaisho is mainly used for offshore marine construction work, salvaging activities, and heavy cargo handling.

SSCV Sleipnir

8. Yoshida

With a hosting capacity of 3700 tonnes, Yoshida is a floating crane ship with a difference.

It has got four crane hooks – each with an individual hoisting capacity of over 900 tonnes – and a 10-metre length of the boom. The Sheerleg is operated by the Mitsubishi conglomerate.

9. Asian Hercules II

Asian Hercules II is a floating sheer leg crane vessel owned by the Asian Lift.

It has a lifting capacity of 3200 tonnes and can even accommodate 34 people. The heavy-lift vessel has a speed of 7 knots.

10. Saipem Constellation

Saipem Constellation is an ultra-deepwater rigid and flexible Pipelay, heavy lift, construction DP3 vessel.

It has a length of 178 meters and a breadth of 45 meters with a lifting capacity of 3000 tonnes.

SSCV Sleipnir

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