What's the difference between the IMF and the World Bank? | CNBC Explains

The Annual Meeting is coming up.

It will include the meetings of the Boards of Governors, the joint World Bank Group/IMF Development Committee and the IMF International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC).

World Bank and IMF (photo by Giuseppe Castanova)

The Development Committee and the IMFC advise the Boards of Governors on issues of global concern, including the world economic outlook, poverty eradication, economic development, and aid effectiveness.

Registration is available for all categories of participants:

Delegates (governmental officials of the member countries), Observers (representatives of international, regional, and economic organizations that have been pre-approved and invited), Guests (representatives of government bodies, private sector or academia), Civil Society Organizations (COS’s), Press (must have valid credentials).

World Bank and IMF

What:          World Bank & International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings

When:         October 21-26, 2024

Where:        Washington, D.C.



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