Inflatable Cthulhu Arm (12.00)

Cthulhu is a quasi-octopus headed creature from the brilliant mind of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft.

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Lady Cthulhu. Yes, one of those “edgy” girls.

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The works of Lovecraft (clearly ahead of his time when writing in the 1920s & 1930s) have spawned a global cult following over the years and Cthulhu is one of the most popular characters.

Buy Cthulhu Beard (7.50)

And with this Inflatable Cthulhu Arm and Inflatable Cthulhu Beard, you’re sure to stand out anywhere! Make sure you buy the creepy Grim Reaper-ish black hooded cloak costume as well.

H.P. Lovcraft’s Cthulhu

H.P. Lovecraft is one of our favorite writers here at JobbiCrew. If interested, we recommend you read his following short stories.

The Shadow Over Innsmouth (1931)

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JobbieCrew’s Pick for Best H.P. Lovecraft Stories of All-Time

The Shadow Over Innsmouth (1931)

The Call of Cthulhu (1926)

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (1927)

At the Mountains of Madness (1931)

Hubert West-Reanimator (1922)

Pickman’s Model (1926)

The Dunwich Horror (1928)

The Colour Out of Space (1927)

Sketch HP Lovecraft did of Cthulhu

Buy Inflatable Cthulhu arm and beard from McPhee


HP Lovecraft at Abebooks

Dunwich Horror (1928) first edition softcover


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