From MLive

A New York Times’ list of the top 2019 travel destinations includes one of the Great Lakes’ natural wonders.

Ice Cave Lake Ontario
Ice Cave Lake Ontario

They aren’t in Michigan, but they are situated just north of Lake Superior. The Ontario ice caves ranked No. 10 on the Times’ “52 Places to Go in 2019” list which includes many of the top travel destinations from across the globe.

The caves have long been a popular destination for travelers in the Great Lakes region, but climate change has threatened their annual appearance, so you’ll want to check them out ASAP.

Ice Cave Lake Ontario
Ice Cave Lake Ontario

The ice caves emerge from the winds and waves that pound the north shore of Lake Superior, regularly occurring near Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

“Made from snow and ice, the caves vary in size, shape and color,” The Times notes. “Large waves before they freeze up — on Superior they can reach upward of 20 feet — are the essential ingredient for large caverns. The wind, shifts in the ice and the effects of the sun constantly remake the formations.”

Similar features have developed on other Great Lakes in past winters, like on Lake Michigan in 2016.

February is the most reliable month for a visit, according to the NYT.

The Trans-Canada Highway. Alona Bay and Coppermine Point are popular destinations to check out along the way. Check with the staff at Stokely Creek Lodge to find the best places to see the caves.

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