Ocean Spiral: The $26 billion dollar Underwater City Inside a 9-Mile Long Spiral being planned off the coast of Tokyo!

That’s right, folks! This is fact not fiction!

Shimizu Corporation, a multi-billion dollar engineering firm, is designing an “eco-city” called Ocean Spiral.

The city will be underwater inside of a 9-mile long corkscrew spiral, off the coast of Tokyo, Japan.

Ocean Spiral: The $26 billion dollar Underwater City Inside a 9-Mile Long Spiral being planned off the coast of Tokyo!

Designed to accommodate 5,000 people and get energy from the seabed, the top of Ocean Spiral will be a floating structure. Inside the corkscrew will be businesses and housing. At the bottom will be a massive factory for creating energy via ocean thermal energy conversion.

Helluva concept! We are impressed. We’ll be even more impressed when they build it and Megalodon the Shark spontaneously manifests and bites thru the entire structure like a piece of rotini.

Shimizu Corp’s Ocean Spiral


Ocean Spiral: The $26 billion dollar Underwater City Inside a 9-Mile Long Spiral being planned off the coast of Tokyo!
Ocean Spiral: The $26 billion dollar Underwater City Inside a 9-Mile Long Spiral being planned off the coast of Tokyo!

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