Instead of Liverpool, England, you could have Riverpool, Detroit, USA!

Wouldn’t you want to swim in a 285,000 gallon floating pool of clean water inside your favorite city river? You just need a badass filtration system which can make the water swimmable. Luckily, +POOL has invented one.

Dong-Ping Wong and the gang at +POOL in New York City have designed the world’s first water-filtering pool!


NYC’s East River and Hudson River have been polluted for decades. NYC is legally permitted to dump 27 BILLION GALLONS of storm water and raw sewage into their rivers annually. Why? Because politicians are slimy money-grubbing fucktards, that’s why.

+POOL is a 3-part filtration system that cleans river water by removing contaminants and bacteria and then feeds the freshly cleaned water into two huge floating Olympic-size pools! The system can clean up to 500,000 gallons of water every single day!

+POOL was one of the largest crowdfunded civic projects in history and was successfully piloted at Pier 40 in the Hudson River.

We need to get one of these pool/filtration systems from +POOL on the Detroit River stat!

To contact +POOL email: info@pluspool.org or kara@pluspool.org

+POOL party in NYC!

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