Thanks to Fox 35 Orlando for this:
Nichole Maks of Daytona is now facing multiple charges stemming from a July 1st altercation at her apartment. Nichole Maks is supposedly originally from Waterford, Michigan.
According to Fox 35 Orlando, an officer was called to the scene to check on a fire. Upon arrival, Maks’ roommate – 79-year-old Michael Cerasoli – was found bludgeoned and stabbed to death on the floor of their 622 Clark Street home.
Originally, 35-year-old Maks was nowhere to be found. However police soon caught up to her at a Krystal’s restaurant location in Holly Hill. According to an affidavit acquired by Fox, Maks dropped both a knife and a hammer which she was carrying on her person.
She denied living in the apartment or even knowing Cerasoli. However once police began questioning her about the fire, Maks became agitated.

It was at that point when Maks requested an attorney, and the police informed her that they would be taking a DNA sample.
In a desperation move, Maks then asked for a drink. As officers were escorting her to a squad car they handed her a can of Mountain Dew, which she then began pouring all over her body in order to ‘wash away’ evidence.
The stunt was unsuccessful. Blood on Maks’ clothes ended up matching blood from another knife found back at the house.
The charges against Maks now include first degree murder, first degree arson, resisting arrest, and tampering with evidence.
She is currently in custody at Volusia County Jail without bond.