First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason! (Lansing, Michigan)

Cannabis is a miracle that can save humanity.”-Rev. Jeremy Hall

The First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason celebrates the holy and healing nature of the cannabis plant.

These holy rollers (heh, heh, get it?) also smoke a shitload of marijuana. Legally! Yes, because they are a registered church!

First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason! (Lansing, Michigan)

Based in Lansing, Michigan, their spiritual guide is the Revered Jeremy Hall.

Hall is an ordained minister via the Universal Life Church, certified marijuana caregiver, Ypsilanti native and his wife also smokes legal medical marijuana for her lupus.

First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason! (Lansing, Michigan)

The FCCLR is allied with the Indiana-based First Church of Cannabis, run by Grand Poobah Bill Levin.

Puff “the sacrament”? Then join below.

First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason! (Lansing, Michigan)

Email Rev. Jeremy Hall:

[email protected] 

FCCLR facebook page


First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason! (Lansing, Michigan)
First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason! (Lansing, Michigan)
First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason! (Lansing, Michigan)
First Cannabis Church of Logic & Reason! (Lansing, Michigan)


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