US Army Gen. David Petraeus hosts the AFS Megellas Dinner Honoring USMC Gen. “Fighting” Joe Dunford.
Join in honoring the service of Gen Dunford and the Legacy of US Army LTC James “Maggie” Megellas.

“Gen. Petraeus, U.S. Army four-star retired, one of the most celebrated soldiers of his time. Rare trifecta of military skills: the intellectual ability to marshal strategic concepts, the tactical insights to apply them on the battlefield, and the charisma and leadership savvy to organize a unity of effort by the motley coalitions he commanded. He oversaw the crafting of a manual to educate the U.S. military in the politico-military tangles of counterinsurgency. He had the moral courage to risk his career in the gambles he took to salvage the U.S. effort in Iraq. He accepted, without hesitation, Obama’s request to step down from one of the supreme posts in the U.S. military—commander of Central Command—to try to turn around the failing international effort in Afghanistan. In the 10 years after 9/11, Petraeus was deployed for six and a half of them. Retiring after 37 years in the military, he served briefly as director of the CIA during heavy covert warfare.”
Gen. Dunford is a retired 4-star General, former Chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff, and 36th Commandant of the USMC.
LTC Megellas passed away in2020. During World War II, he was a rifle company platoon leader and is considered to be one of the most decorated combat officers in the history of the 82nd Airborne Division. He received the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism and three other decorations for valor.
This event benefits Semper Fi & the America’s Fund.
What: Megellas and 5-Star Award Dinner
When: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Where: Frontiers of Flight Museum (6911 Lemmon Ave, Dallas, TX)
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. CST
Cost: $150-$2500 (there’s also a separate VIP meet n’ greet ticket)
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