LSC St. Clair Flats Danger Buoys

Thank you USCG Detroit Sector!

Attention all boaters! Following last year’s temporary buoy placements at the “Firecracker” Jetty in northern Lake St. Clair, we’ve established three new permanent markers.

They are currently in position thanks to Aids to Navigation Team Detroit.

Officially named “St. Clair Flats Danger Buoys A, B, and C”.

These orange and white “DANGER ROCKS” buoys are equipped with lights and positioned from Seaway Island to the St. Clair Flats Danger Light, serving to warn boaters of the hazard when leaving the marked channel.

LSC St. Clair Flats Danger Buoys
Safety is priority! Remember to always:

Check your charts and know the area!

Review safety procedures with passengers.

Wear your life jackets!

USCG Detroit Sector

LSC St. Clair Flats Danger Buoys

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