“I like Titties. Do you like Titties? I’ve never met a Tit I didn’t like.”- Pete ‘theGWAP’

Pete ‘theGwap’ was the pioneer videographer of Jobbie Nooner. Prior to Jobbie Nooner 2002, no one had actually filmed any of the Jobbie events, Pete was the first. He also owned the original Jobbie Nooner website and even became Rev. Pete and married a couple on live national television onboard a barge at Jobbie Nooner 2007. Thus, Pete should be properly credited with helping to popularize the event on a national scale. Tens of thousands of people now venture to Jobbie Nooner from other states and even other countries thanks in part to early efforts like Pete Arsenault’s.
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Pete is a wild character. He’s a welder, drummer, hard worker, free thinker. He graciously had The Captain and I over to his house in The Clem. Upon walking in, you see a drum set in the middle of the living room and proudly displayed on the wall are four parchment pages of the U.S. Constitution beneath a hanging shrunken head made of goat’s skin and Pete’s hair. His first words to us are, “Female humans are the only species where the female has an orgasm. Some people think dolphins do. But they don’t.”
Pete Arsenault: The Early Years

Born December 1956 in Maine, Pete moved to Berkeley, Michigan when he was six years old and grew up in Metro Detroit, attending various Catholic schools.
“For two and a half years, I was the only white boy at all-black Catholic school St. Martin de Porres at 12th and Webb in Detroit. Had a great time there, took a film study class and I was hooked, wanted to become a film producer. I transferred from De Porres to Berkley High School in the middle of my junior year so that I could go to SEOVEC to learn the welding trade because I needed some practical source of income.”
Pete became a certified master welder in 1975. He eventually opened Pete’s Welding in 1984 on 7 Mile Road between Gratiot and Hayes in Detroit. “Then when I got divorced, I had all this pent up anxiety, so I became a drummer. It’s good for the cardiovascular system. I could beat the fuck out of something and not go to jail.”
Pete Makes the Front Page
“In my early Twenties, I hit a deer while zooming 55mph on my motorcycle. It made the front page of the newspaper in Port Austin, Michigan. It was the second time I had ever been in the news and I thought, ‘wow, front page, that’s cool…I like being in the news!’ About two decades go by then in 1995, me the long-haired hippie dope smoker rock band drummer, gets five fire departments to burn down an old house in Clyde Township (east of Port Huron, north of Wadhams) for my band, Loose Cannons, music videos. And I made the front page again. From that moment on, I found that I had a certain knack for getting in the news.”
Pete First Hears of Legendary Tittyfest Jobbie Nooner
“In the Spring of 2002, I first heard of the phenomenon where girls pop their titties out for beads on this island in Lake St. Clair called Gull Island. So, I went out there to film J-1-2002. I spent 8hrs filming a documentary of Jobbie Nooner with a Sharp VL-H860U Hi8 analog Viewcam camcorder.”
“Did interviews, everything, but I didn’t have enough titties. So, I went to the Pied Piper, Johnny Z (aka: Z-Man) on his yacht in Muscamoot Bay. He has a sweet 49’ Bluewater yacht, big speakers, parties every weekend in The Moot. I tell him I’m making a documentary, can I get some titties on film and sure enough, he helped me get a ton of titties! My normal editor was busy donating his kidney to his kid but I had met someone on the island who knew of an available Editor. He tells me that a website called Jobbie Nooner had just been created. So I talk to the owner and he wants to get rid of the site. He just made the site and already he’s getting harassed daily by the cops to take it down, telling him he’s going to prison, this n’ that. He was scared, his life was falling apart, he wanted out. So I bought the site. I gave him $1,000 cash and he signed everything over to me.”
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“All of a sudden, the Sheriff’s department calls me in a threatening manner, inferring strongly that I’m going to prison, this n’ that. All of a sudden a lightbulb goes off. I call them back, ‘Hey Sgt. So-n’-So of the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Dept, do you remember that long-haired hippie drummer in a rock ‘n’ roll band who burned down a house to make a music video? That’s me old buddy, how you doing?’ He remembered me and we laughed about it. His whole mood and attitude instantly changed.”
“I informed him that I had already consulted with criminal, copyright and internet law attorneys regarding the legalities of the website prior to entering into the business and that I was in total compliance with the law. From then on, I became good friends with the various police departments. I also helped establish a ‘fire lane’ on Gull Island for the police and emergency medical response teams. I also posted ‘Don’t Drink and BOAT’ warnings on my website. I had great cooperation with the police the whole time, we had a beautiful relationship. I would sometimes even get a police escort to the island for the events and some of the officers would come up to me and say, ‘Thanks Pete, man I put in months in advance for this duty!’”
“In 2002, I made my first official Jobbie Nooner video. I wanted titties on film but I also didn’t want to be like the asshole Girls Gone Wild guy who demeans women. I made a conscious decision to be more of a Hugh Hefner-type and make all the girls feel better about themselves and uplift them rather than say negative things to them.”
“In 2005 with the sale of Tittie Pastie Stickers, at $10 a pair, or $5 if she put the stickers on in front of my VideoCam, or FREE, if she let me put the stickers on her. I touched and sucked over 50 girls titties, equaling 100 titties in one single day. All with their full smiling permission and got everything on film. And not one girl paid for the stickers. Financially it was a bad investment.”
“I had an actual line of naked tittie girls waiting for their turn to get an official Jobbie Nooner titty sticker on camera and I would say beautiful things to them like ‘You know these stickers don’t really stick very well if your tits are wet, so it’s better if you air your tits out for a while’ and they would pop their tops and bounce their tits up and down, and BLOW on their Titties to dry them off, it was beautiful. Jobbie Nooner is a beautiful expression of American freedom, a beautiful phenomenon. Only in America, can an event like Jobbie Nooner exist, where a normal guy can suck a hundred different titties in one single day. God Bless America! Girls should feel free at Jobbie Nooner and take their tops off with a smile.”
“After a few years of being the videographer/documentarian, my editor became the videographer and I became the on-screen host at Jobbie Nooner. We moved from the analog camcorder to a Canon XL1S Mini-DV Digital Camcorder and I started making VHS tapes, DVDs, made a Pay-Per-View section on the site. I was selling t-shirts at the events, one said ‘Put out or swim, either way you’re getting wet’ and another said ‘I was fondled by TheGwap at Jobbie Nooner and all I got was this t-shirt’, you know, fun novelty stuff. They were really popular. But after awhile I sold the website to its current owner around 2008-2009.”
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Origin of the nickname: GWAP (Guy With All The P*SSY)
“Long before my Jobbie Nooner days, around 1995-96, I had a girlfriend who had a bunch of hot girlfriends and we would all go out together every Friday night. I didn’t drink so I was always the D.D. with 5, 6, 8 or so hot women, as many as you could pack into a Durango. One day I was in a bowling alley on Gratiot and 13 Mile, I was with my girl and 8 chicks. The girls all knew me and I was therefore safe to flirt with. So here I am, one dude in a bowling alley with 8 girls and flirting with all of them. I’m sitting there and a guy in a 100% all-black cowboy suit walks up to me and says ‘you’re the Guy with All the Pussy’. One of the girls overheard him and she says, ‘Yeah, Pete! You’re the Guy With All The Pussy, you’re ‘theGWAP’! Haha!’ and the nickname stuck. I even named my video company GWAP Productions. We did the original Jobbie Nooner internet video series.”
Rev. Pete Marries a Couple at Jobbie Nooner 2007
“This friend of mine wanted to get married. So I became an ordained minister via Rose Ministries. I became Rev. Pete and I told Rose Ministries that I’m going to perform a wedding at a titty event. There’s going to be alcohol, sex and rock ‘n’ roll there in copious amounts, is this okay? They said yes and 18 months later, I married a couple on a barge at Jobbie Nooner in June 2007. Each year, I had all the news media channels 2, 4, 7, the Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Macomb Daily, Times Herald, etc, on speed dial. The Channel 4 helicopter was hovering 400ft above the barge during the ceremony and covered it live. That very next day, after it aired nationally, I had 1.8 million hits on the website in one single day.”
A Current Affair: Boaters Gone Wild!
“It was Mitch Hotts little blurb in the Macomb Daily saying ‘the owner of the Jobbie Nooner website is an ordained reverend and is going to perform a wedding ceremony on a barge at the Jobbie Nooner festival’ that went out onto the AP Wire (the Associated Press stream of news for global news agencies to cover). In New Jersey, a Fox affiliated TV show called ‘A Current Affair’ was trolling the AP wire and picked up the story. ‘A wedding at a titty event? And the owner of the titty website is an ordained Reverend?’ They just couldn’t believe it.”
“They paid me $600.00 and I went to Fox Studios in Southfield to be interviewed. I went there with two chicks, two gorgeous absolutely shameless chicks. Current Affair pitted me against the Christian Coalition on the show. Then just seconds prior to live broadcast of the interview, I gave the girls the signal to pop their tops at the same time, on camera to a beautifully awed silence. Suddenly, the General Manager of the studio, face beat red, bursts into the room, screaming at me that ‘You can’t do that on live TV’! I didn’t know it at that time, but the next day my contact at ‘ACA’, informed me, that Tittie Expose was seen on every single Fox/AP Newswire monitor in the entire world (laughs) Ah, sweet memories.”
Final Thoughts & Current Updates
Pete ‘theGwap’ eventually moved on from Jobbienooner and he has recently sold his Welding Rig Business and no longer welds. Pete does still rock out on the drums (“vintage White Marine Pearl Slingerland drums with all Zildjian cymbals, the Buddy Rich kit”) and is currently busy working on launching his wickedly clever self-produced stand-up comedy career of religious sexual humor as “The Devil come back to Earth to convince people there isn’t enough fucking going on.”
Pete ‘theGwap’ is a tremendous storyteller and he will always be remembered and honored as one of the first heavy-hitters to put Jobbie Nooner on the international map! “Get in the news and stay out of jail. That was my theme.”
To contact and/or hire Pete you can reach him at:
A Current Affair: Boaters Gone Wild (June 2007 segment)
WARNING: This video features current ultra-conservative Michigan politician TOM McMILLIN leading the Christian Coalition morality police against Pete ‘TheGwap’ Arsenault!
Loose Cannons-Open Fire (1995) Pete’s now defunct band’s interesting avant-garde-ish music video shot on 8mm motion picture film.
Sometimes Death is Good (1995)
The footage of the House Fire is shot on 16mm. motion picture film.
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[…] Exclusive Interview: Pete ‘TheGWAP (Guy With All the P*ssy)’ Arsenault: Legendary Pioneer Videog… […]