ANN ARBOR, MI — Ann Arbor has officially declared the month of September to be Entheogenic Plant and Fungi Awareness Month, and a psychedelic mushroom festival is on tap to celebrate.
EntheoFest is an event that celebrates psilocybin mushrooms and entheogenic plants and psychedelics.
One of the main speakers this year is William Leonard Pickard, a legend in the psychedelic realm.
Pickard is a brilliant intellectual, master chemist, and the author of modern psychedelic classic, The Rose of Paracelsus: On Secrets and Sacraments.
This event is free to the public, featuring local leaders, activists and entertainers from around the state and country.
The Entheofest will begin at 11:11 a.m and conclude at 2:22 p.m. “The Entheofest’s aim is to bring the community together to mobilize for the decriminalization and celebration of plant medicines and fungi in the State of Michigan,” said Entheofest’s Jim Salame.
That includes ayahuasca, ibogaine, mescaline, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms and other compounds with hallucinogenic properties.
To celebrate the anniversary of Ann Arbor’s decriminalization move, this will be a “sacred plant and mushroom festival.”
Entheo Fest is planned to take place on the University of Michigan Diag, the same venue as the long-running Hash Bash marijuana rally that happens each April.
What: EtheoFest
When: Sunday, September 22, 2024
Where: steps of the University of Michigan Harlan Hatcher Grad Library (913 South University ave, Ann Arbor, MI)
Time: 11:11 a.m. – 2:22 p.m.
Cost: Free and open to general public