Middle Ages to middle aisle - new store offers shoppers glimpse of Dublin's past

Shoppers at a new Lidl grocery store in Dublin, Ireland will get a unique insight into the city’s medieval past.

The remains of an 11th century house are clearly visible beneath a glass section of the floor of the store, which is located in the center of the city.

The remains of the basement or storage space of an 11th-century house tentatively dated to about 1070 A.D.

Dublin Viking floor window Lidl

This home most likely belonged to Hiberno-Norse Dubliners, who were ancestors to the Vikings.

Rather than excavate the items and build on top of the site, covering the ruins, the store installed glass flooring that provides shoppers with a literal window into local history.


71 Aungier Street

Dublin, Ireland 

Dublin Viking floor window Lidl
Dublin Viking floor window Lidl
Dublin Viking floor window Lidl
Dublin Viking floor window Lidl
Dublin Viking floor window Lidl

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