Yes, you read that correctly.
Detroit Fight Club engages in full-contact fighting with real armor and weapons based on medieval 14th-16th century originals.
There will be a men’s 5v5 tournament as well as some women 5v5 fighting.
Best 2 out of 3 rounds wins a match with a match time-limit of 10 minutes.

Pending enough time at the end, there might be some all v.s. all fights.
The event is FREE to all those wishing to attend and watch the tournament.
This event is part of a larger all day Hallows Knight Festival, where food and vendors will be present. There is some planned pro fights in the evening as well as a ticketed feast planned.
God, we love Michigan! Always something fun going on!

What: Detroit Fight Club’s Autumn Assault
When: Saturday, October 12, 2019
Where: 800 Woodward Heights Blvd, Ferndale, MI
Time: Main Festival (Noon-8:00 p.m.), medieval fighting tournament (2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.)
Cost: FREE
FB page
Autumn Assault event page
Hallows Knight Festival event page