The CIA releases their entire collection of UFO-related documents to truth-seeking website The Black Vault, a clearinghouse for declassified documents.

The Black Vault on their own website, has released the documents. They are PDFs containing CIA files on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the government’s preferred term.

The CIA and UFOs: Inside the Release of the CIA’s UFO Records

Way back in 1996, John Greenewald, Jr. (creator of the Black Vault) began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. Government at the age of 15. He targeted such agencies as the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, DIA, and countless others.

Greenewald utilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to gain access to more than 2 million pages of documents.

It took over 20 years to obtain this information.


Black Vault collection of CIA UFO documents


CIA UFO Black Vault

Over time, so many requests piled up that the CIA created a CD-ROM full of declassified documents, known as “The UFO Collection.” In mid-2020, Greenwald purchased the CD-ROM.

This massive data dump includes more than 2,700 pages of UFO-related documents declassified by the CIA since the 1980s.

CIA UFO Black Vault

According to Greenewald, there have been thousands of downloads within the first 24 hours of the release.

From a dispute with a Bosnian fugitive with alleged E.T. contact to mysterious midnight explosions in a small Russian town, the reports definitely take readers for a wild ride.

Some of the documents are crisp and clear while others are nearly indecipherable.

One of the most interesting documents in the drop, Greenewald said, involved the Assistant Deputy Director for Science & Technology being hand-delivered some piece of information on a UFO in the 1970s.

CIA UFO Black Vault

“Although the CIA claims this is their ‘entire’ [declassified] collection, there may be no way to entirely verify that,” Greenwald wrote in a statement on The Black Vault website. “Research by The Black Vault will continue to see if there are additional documents still uncovered within the CIA’s holdings.”

The data dump arrives months before officials from the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are due to appear before Congress and spill their guts on everything they know about UFOs, the New York Post reported. By June 25, 2021, the Office of Naval Intelligence, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, and the FBI MUST release all of their documents.

A provision attached to the nearly 5,600-page COVID-29 relief bill passed in late December 2020 requires the agencies, “to submit a report within 180 days … to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena.”

Jobbie Crew Interview: Netflix documentary star, UFO researcher & Torch Lake Michigan resident JOHN SHEPHERD discusses his life and efforts to contact Aliens by beaming music into Outer Space from his Grandparents Living Room

The provision follows a banner year for UFOs, when startling footage of an unidentified object darting around several U.S. Navy planes in 2004 and 2015 was finally declassified.

The CIA did not respond to a request for comment.

CIA UFO Black Vault

Black Vault collection of CIA UFO documents


UFO docs on CIA website


“Recently (January 15, 2021), the CIA redesigned their website. As a result, they changed nearly every URL (or unique page name) they used. Why should we care? Because the CIA just broke every single one of their document pages indexed by Google. And they now ALL produce errors when clicked. Although hopefully not intentional, this forces Google’s bots to de-index all the old, and re-index the “new.” That’s not as easy as it sounds when talking about the hundreds of thousands of documents archived previously by Google.”-John Greenwald


Jobbie Crew Interview: Netflix documentary star, UFO researcher & Torch Lake Michigan resident JOHN SHEPHERD discusses his life and efforts to contact Aliens by beaming music into Outer Space from his Grandparents Living Room



Luis Elizondo

Luis has made headlines around the world since October of 2017, for telling his story about how he led the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) – said to be a “Secret Pentagon UFO Study.”


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