Check out this amazing photograph of 1000′ freighter full of ice! taken by Detroit District Army Core of Engineers Employee, Carmen Paris. The Soo Area Office based tug Owen M. Frederick was breaking ice in and to the upper approach of the Poe Lock while the 1,000 footer M.V. Walter J. MC Carthy Jr. waits to lock down bound through the Poe Lock.

taken by Detroit District Employee, Carmen Paris. The Soo Area Office based tug Owen M. Frederick was breaking ice in and to the upper approach of the Poe Lock while the 1,000 footer M.V. Walter J. MC Carthy Jr. waits to lock down bound through the Poe Lock.
taken by Detroit District Employee, Carmen Paris. The Soo Area Office based tug Owen M. Frederick was breaking ice in and to the upper approach of the Poe Lock while the 1,000 footer M.V. Walter J. MC Carthy Jr. waits to lock down bound through the Poe Lock.



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