Thanks to Huron Daily Tribune for this:
CASEVILLE – Angler Scotty Roggenbuck had a very happy July 4 when he reeled in a 6.79 walleye, which took top prize in the 2020 Caseville Walleye Tournament.
The fish earned Roggenbuck the overall $1,000 top prize as well as a $50 prize for the day’s top catch.
Cameron Lackie took second place overall and $500 for his 6.67-pound walleye taken on June 27, the opening day of the tournament.
Taking third place and a $250 was John Himmel with a 6.45-pound catch. In fourth place was Ben Walsh, who took home $150 for his 6.38-pound fish.
Dan Gasper earned fifth place overall and $100 with his 6.30-pound catch. Rounding out the overall winners was Scott Polega in sixth place, who took home $50 with his 6.09-pound walleye.
In addition to Scotty Roggenbuck (6.79 pounds, 5.82 pounds), daily winners included Cameron Lackie (6.67, 4.88), John Himmel (6.45, 5.31, 4.91, 4.57), Scott Polega (6.09), Terry Murlick (4.77), Travis Bender (5.69), Chris Pavlicek (5.84), Brian Edwards (4.48), Lewis Karle (5.33) and Dan Gaspar (6.30).