Booze-filled AIR at Frat Party registers on Cops Breathalyzer!

What do you get when you add 70 underage drinkers + small house + a party wryly labeled “Tequila Tuesday”? Booze-filled air!

That’s right, folks.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon frat members of American University had a party with 70 people at a small house (5518 Massachusetts Ave, Bethesda, Maryland).

Booze-filled AIR at Frat Party registers on Cops Breathalyzer!

Deciding to ruin an otherwise successful Tequila Tuesday, neighbors eventually called the po-leece and when the cops arrived, they found a house literally overflowing with people and booze. The air itself registered .01 on their breathalyzers!

8 people locked themselves in the bathroom, hoping the cops would just go away.

1 person jumped out of a 2nd story window.

Booze-filled AIR at Frat Party registers on Cops Breathalyzer!

The six 20-year olds who live at the house were charged with 126 counts of alcohol-related mischief.

Not one single person said how they acquired so much alcohol.

Tequila Tuesday on Massachusetts Avenue

Booze-filled AIR at Frat Party registers on Cops Breathalyzer!
Booze-filled AIR at Frat Party registers on Cops Breathalyzer!

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