annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!

Special thanks to our friend RZ in Texas for telling us about this. 

The Texas Outlaw Challenge is the biggest boat party in Texas!

annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!

This huge multi-day fest and poker run starts just outside Houston in Kemah, Texas. Over 150+ boats compete in the Gunslinger Poker Run (you must register). 

There’s also the Miss Outlaw Contest, Shoot Out Contest, bike rally, car show, poker party, etc and everything ends with a huge blow-out party at Kenny Armstrong’s house in Dickinson. 

annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!

Many spectators for the racing line up on the Kemah Boardwalk but there are many things to do all over the area. 

Check it out!

annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!

What:          10th annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!

When:         Thursday, June 21st-Sunday, June 25th, 2017

Where:        Challenge starts at Kemah Bridge Boat Ramp (400 4th St, Kemah, TX) the one under 146 near Outriggers and the Ferry 

Contact:      Paul Robinson

annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!


Youtube of the Kenny Armstrong pool party

Pictures of HOT GIRLS at the party!

annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!
annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!
annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!
annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!
annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!
annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!
annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!
annual Texas Outlaw Challenge!


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