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Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer model signing cards

Bench Warmer is a non-sport trading card company created in 1992 that sells a shocking amount of limited trading cards featuring pretty female models.

Bench Warmer Trading Cards

There are usually 12 cards per box, 100-cards per series (featuring 60 model cards) and only 100 cases per series. The whole gist being that novelty cards will become “collectibles” if they are kept scarce.

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Maria Kanellis, one of 600 Bench Warmer female models


This gimmick is working beautifully and many cards often sell on places like Ebay and Amazon for over $1,000.

Collectible kissy lips cards

Some of the cards are particularly prized because they feature pieces of hair, shoe heel, models lipstick, models hand-written autographed signatures, etc.

Hot Slovakian model Katarina Van Derham. She’s been featured on over 60 magazine covers and 17 TV commercials worldwide!

There are now over 600 Bench Warmer models. Women like Sara Jean Underwood, Katarina Van Derham, Maria Kanellis, etc.

Sara Jean Underwood

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You can now join the Bench Warmer Collectors Club for $50.00.

BW model Jessica Hall

Ultimately, this is an interesting concept that plays on the psychology of collecting things. And hey, just remember: Everybody Collects Something.

BW model Nisa Hall

What do you collect?

Treasure Chest collection of BW cards

Bench Warmer trading cards homepage

Buy Bench Warmer cards here

List of various BW collections

Join the Bench Warmer Collectors Club here

Bench Warmer Trading Cards facebook page


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