Bayview Yacht Club Detroit

The day will consist of a tour of the Bayview Yacht Club on Detroit’s Lower Eastside, lunch, and the opportunity to see three regattas throughout the day.

The yacht club was founded in 1915 with four men – Floyd Nixon, Lloyd Kurtzwarth, Perc Williamson and Paul Dietrich – who were looking for a place to fish and have fun on the water. They established Bayview in a corrugated iron shack, on a dock about a mile downstream of the present location. Within a few years, the club began participating in races.

By 1928, the membership was outgrowing the shack, and the Club purchased a strip of landfill along Conner Creek, the place Bayview calls home today.

Bayview Yacht Club Detroit (photo by Zach Regner)

What:          Tour Bayview Yacht Club

When:         Saturday, August 10, 2024

Where:        Bayview Yacht Club (100 Clairpointe St, Detroit, MI)

Time:          10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Cost:           $65.00

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