Foria weed tampons

Cannabis has been used for centuries and if it can help provide women some relief during their periods, then why not try using it?

The world’s first medical study on the benefits of cannabis-infused vaginal suppositories will evaluate the effectiveness of ‘weed tampons‘ on alleviating pain and other symptoms of menstruation.

The study is being funded by Foria Wellness (Venice Beach, CA startup) and Flow Kana.

Foria makes Relief, the marijuana tampons, which cost $11.00 each and contain 60mg of THC and 10mg of CBD.

Foria weed tampons

The study will be directed by Harvard neuroscientist & cannabis researcher, Dr. Staci Gruber, head of Harvard’s Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery (MIND) program.

The study will take place at McLean Hospital (115 Mill St, Belmont, MA).

To volunteer:


Foria weed tampons

Weed Tampon research participation information


Dr. Staci Gruber’s MIND


Buy: Foria Relief (weed tampons)

Foria weed tampons

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