Pumpkin Spice Spam

Hawaii and South Korea are giddily rejoicing.

They are the two top consumers of Spam in the world and when they heard there will be a new product called Pumpkin Spice Spam, they lost their shit.

Pumpkin Spice Spam

Spam is precooked canned pork with a gelatinous glaze (aspic), cautiously recommended for occasional human consumption. 

Mixing this with Pumpkin Spice (an offensively overused flavor designed to mimic the taste pumpkin pie) to create a Frankenspam is an act so foul it should be illegal everywhere except Arkansas and West Virginia.

If the world ended and you found yourself alive, in a survivalist bunker, with nothing but rows upon rows of Pumpkin Spice Spam, what would you do?

Buy here


Pumpkin Spice Spam
Pumpkin Spice Spam


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