Naming Your Vagina so you can talk TO it or ABOUT it in a public setting without other people knowing.

There’s been a recent (or probably not so recent) fascination among girls of all ages who are giving their vagina’s nicknames, thus allowing them to reference their vagina undetected in public conversations.


We asked some of our JobbieCrew.com female readers if this is true (apparently it is) so here are some we’ve heard from our readers:

Reader-Submitted Nicknames for their Vagina

Little Cindy Loo-Hoo
Dr. Frodo
Donkey Lips
Soggy Pringle
Fee Fee
Princess Labia
Mrs. Sackrider
Cod Cradle
Jellybeans Holster?
The Blue Waffle
Mad Molly Merkin
Taco Slot
Downtown at Dick’s Garage (“Yeah, Biff came over to get his HOT ROD washed DOWNTOWN at DICK’S GARAGE”)
SumDumTwat (the Amazing Eggroll Receptacle)

This anthropologist documents vagina’s as habitats.

We have also heard that in Britain, a condom is sometimes referred to as an “English Riding Coat.”

Shark’s Brains and Girls Vaginas share almost the same anatomy!

If you have a name for your vagina or know the name of your friends vagina, email us the name at [email protected] and we’ll post it in our Part II: Vagina Names article!


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